These patches... all these patches... it's making the game not even worth playing anymore. I understand the need to earn what we need... but come on. Pushing all of this BS on the consumer is terrible. Why not actually patch things in a positive light rather than say hurr durr 5 people complaining better nerf dat or remove that. To be honest its sad, we were given all of these great expectations of destiny but all I'm getting is disappointment.
I feel that all these changes were considered long before we got the game. Hotfixes and patches are not done lightly. They cost the company time and money. Besides most of the time reading the fix list can sound worst then it is. Most of the time in other games the changes go unnoticed. (Besides no shards from queen's wrath. That's just, no comment). Everything will work out in the end. Just sit tight and enjoy the ride if you can. If you can't then get off at the next stop.