Me and my buddy are looking for other players to try out vault of glass. We are currently a lvl 27 titan and lvl 27 warlock. We are just looking for a couple of other players that are just on for fun of the game. We don't want to group up with hardcore people that cant take fails as well as wins. We are fairly laid back and just play to enjoy ourselves. If you are looking for more raiding players or trying to form a raiding group and aren't dbags send us a message at Smits24 or McGuire1. We also have a clan, again, not serious or hardcore. El Ammo Banditos(a nod to bioshock). If you are interested in that look us up. We don't require any special skill or talents to be in the clan, and we don't require you to be in our clan to play. We are just looking for cool people to run the game with on the PS4.
What console?