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9/22/2014 6:03:05 PM

Tracking your Destiny faction reputation

So I have a minor gripe with Destiny. When you reach level 20, you are able to join a faction and earn additional reputation in the Crucible to unlock gear and weapons. Currently, I am at level 2 with Future War Cult. It's all great, however I have no idea of my current reputation within that faction unless I run to the Tower and then meet up with that specific faction every time. It seems really unnecessary and takes away from the flow of the game. I suggest that Bungie makes a way for gamers to view their reputation with the faction they have joined by adding it to the class armor. For instance, if I was a Warlock, the class armor would be the Warlock Bond (Hunters would be Cloaks and Titans would be Badges). If the Bond was from the Future War Cult, hitting the "details" button from my character screen would open it to another screen and there would appear a small circle with FWC signifying every time I wear that Bond, I would gain reputation for that faction. That circle can serve as a way to show how much reputation you have with that faction. It can show how much you have, what level rep you have, and how much more you need to reach the next level. This is a minor thing, but I do believe it would help with the flow of the game and add to the experience instead of running to the Tower every time I wanted to know how much rep I had within a certain faction.

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