Prepare Desticles your time here in Floodville is coming to an end
P.s Ninjas, why are they able to post Destiny topics in The Flood and not have their threads moved?
[spoiler]Bastage Biosmiley Rain Egrogeg Raw Sugar ZacharyCHT Human24 and others I forgot[/spoiler]
I'm in purgatory so I won't be replying much. Purgatory is school
A single flood spore can destroy a species, Desticles better get ready
[quote]why are they able to post Destiny topics in The Flood and not have their threads moved[/quote]Because destiny is like a premature infant, who's current condition [url=]is far from what was expected[/url] ... and in fact looking terminal. So given its poor state it is only fair to give it some extra attention ... won't last long, and then we can return to normality