Hi bungie, title says it all.
Me and my friends would kill to get a ranking system or any type of ladder in the crucible aspect of the game. We think that the game has an high amount of potential ! The PVP is fun but I feel like I'm not getting rewarded for playing seriously or playing good.
Can we please get a ranking system or any type of game mode that gives you any type of number to calculate your overall skill compared to the rest of the players ? Thanks a lot Bungie and have a great day !
P.S English is not my native language , i apologize in advance for syntax error.
Bungie doesn't care about its community. They only case about statistics like the money they're making and how many play their game. Instead of fixing server disconnects they're having players teach other players how to fix the problem so they don't have to and then they're recording and displaying total hours logged by players. They don't care what's wrong with their game or about US that's the bottom line.
Absolutly this!!!! Why push yourself in Halo mp.....because rank system.
Yes please I've been dieing for a ranking system