Always make sure that when you perform a rain dance you dont do it over the president of your school's office cuz apparantly they get pissed. this is totally legit. Theres been too much rain lately at my university we have a moat in front of my dorm about ankle deep. So yeah. Someone has the video of us dancing but idk who has it. If i get my hands on it ill post it here. Our attempt at getting the rain to leave has worked so far actually. Lol.
EDIT: If this post gets popular I will hunt down the person who has the video. I think I know one person who has it but maybe not.... I hope it doesnt show up on youtube cuz I danced like crap. (I had no idea what I was doing)
Rain come here!! *rain dancing intensifies*
How's the #raindancingintensiefiesn ?
My friends and I do this ridiculous ass dance to make it rain harder on rainy days. It works every time.
But did you have the rain stick when you did the rain dance?
Is this directed towards me?
Only works if Rain does it...
I swear this is my new thing.
*Rain dances to the spirits* I live in a desert. Please let the rain come down.
*begins tribal rain dance*
Rain can dance?
Still working....
A rain dance? Show me how