I was thinking, to get more people to play longer should Bungie keep have the cost of DLC's (when they are released) FREE?
You realise dlc in GTA wasn't technically free. You had to pay for micro transactions to buy it all.
They should pay us to play their garbage game and up yours to any of you piece of shit fan boys.
No this isn't a charity we got what we payed for.
Only reason GTA V's DLC was free was because they dropped the ball with the games release. That and because keeping money is so -blam!-ing hard to do people cave and buy shark cards. So the company can afford to make free dlc because of the microtransactions.
If it's DLC that adds to the story is a significant way, then I believe it should be free, but if it's just PvP Map packs then they can charge for those.
There should be some free DLC, but not all of it, no.
So whos going to pay the wages and salaries if they just give expansions for free? Even the servers need to be maintained, not to mention running costs.
There should be free updates, like new exotic armors, weapons, vehicles, game modes, enemies, missions. Maybe even smaller explorable areas like a moon, asteroid or a space station. Expansions should be paid for though because they are expansions and should be very sizable.
Everyone always wants something that someone worked hard and put time and money into for free. I dont think it should be free I will happily pay for dlc for the game/games I love to show my support I already bought the destiny expansions and will continue to buy them as I very much enjoy the game.
Considering how stingy they are being with content (they have plenty but held it back as paid dlc), I wouldn't hold my breath for anything meaningful for free.
I feel like there should be a healthy balance between free content (I'm talking about new stuff and not content that's already finished and kept away from the player base till a certain date) and content you have to pay for. Sure free content is nice and I feel it somewhat has to happen to keep the game going (I'm certainly not going to pore hundreds of dollars into one game) but payed DLC gives them more ressources to work with.
They should be free due to the amount of content we didn't get in the first place...but that's just me
I think so since the launch game was light on content
Blizzard charged for expansions and people payed and happily played the game. I don't see nothing wrong with buying DLC honestly but maybe that's just me
I firmly believe that if people want to charge for an item or service they are free to do so and WE have a CHOICE if we want the item or service no matter the price. They are a company. I think there will be patches with a little bit of free content, but the big content will be in expansion packs and people will swarm.
Release things with free updates! Like GTA! You mean the game that does release free DLC but a bunch of bullshit that's WAAAAYY overpriced? Nah
This poll is useless, they aren't going to be free.
Maybe pay for the expansions and every month,then they put free dlc similar to what they do to gta 5, like put new weapons, gear, and vehicles.
The DLC should not be free since they are putting out events and stuff for free over the times.
Why would you pay for them to shit on you again?
Activision would never allow it
Obviously the House of Wolves and The Dark Below DLC expansions won't be free, but it'd but nice for some small, free, updates like there was in GTA V. New shaders, exotic weapons, emblems, maybe a few extra miscellaneous things in the tower you can buy from the vendors. I don't know, but almost anything new would be a welcome addition.
Edited by macdadams: 9/20/2014 5:49:32 AMWhen gta released expansions like they have in the past, they will not be free.
The difference is the GTA V DLC was all tiny and insignificant. I'm all for free stuff, but it seems to me that this destiny GLC will be too high quality to be free.
It doesn't matter if you lot think they should be. They're not going to be.
No because if they want to continue to expand the game over the course of the time frame that they plan to (10 years), they need to make profit from it. Right now, they only made the money they invested in the game. Yes, free is good for the players but it isn't good for a game such as destiny to thrive to have even more expansions (DLC) added into the game.