The game just lacks content.. I mean really it has a laughably short story with no memorable characters. For a AAA game with this much funding to have to many shortcomings is really pitiful on the developers in my eyes. The gear system is a joke, customization is non-existent, environments are bland, strikes and missions are repetitive, the Reef is a cutscene, all 4 enemies (seriously..4) feel lifeless, the bosses are all boring bullet sponges who require no teamwork or skill to defeat, and the amount of invisible walls is simply horrendous.
Also the PvP is shotguns, these 1 shot killing machines are all you see in the crucible. (Please, compare stats with me before you talk about my PvP ability, or look me up on
Fix you're game, Bungie, for the sake of us all.
Someone's a grumpy pants. True this game is lacking in a ton of areas, but it's still ridiculously fun and the whole point of playing a game is to have fun.
Could people stop saying stuff like this. I mean really it's just going on and on and on. It's just annoying to have to look through the forums now as all I see is people saying the same stuff. We get the message! Now go do something else and the leave the rest of us in peace!
Yet here I am having a blast, honestly for a game developer who stepped way out of its comfort zone this is some good stuff, not excellent true, but that will shape up in time.
Did you play Titanfall? THAT game lacked content. So shut up.
The only thing it lacks, is dance moves. We need more booty shaking.