You've made everyone at universities have such great connection that everyone else's is sucking. I'm reading posts of hours of un-interruptered playing while I'm on venis literally doing one patrol mission at at time because I'm losing connection so much. This is the worst its been since I've started playing its been like this for like 2 hours now. And all day has just been horrible this is getting ridiculous. Obv they are working on it because they have fixed the university problem. But what about us ? The players that arnt at a university. The million of us that are having issues they arnt worried about ? =\ I just wanna play without getting kicked 30 times in an hour.
Have been playing since launch day, today is the first time i have seen so many errors, every 1-5 (sometimes less) , leopard, bee, fly beaver. Got like 15 errors in 5 mins, cant even go to the tower.