Here is what worked for me. Sadly this fix doesn't always work. There is no way to know when it will work and when it won't. I suspect my internet provider may be throttling destiny servers. Let's get a permanent fix shall we Bungie/Korcett?
If you have type 2 NAT through an ethernet cable and you get internet but you just can't connect to the Destiny servers try this:
First set up an internet connection using a lan cable. Choose custom > auto IP address > do not specify dhcp > Manual DNS setting > set primary to > set secondary to > auto MTU settings > do not use proxy server > test internet
I think this might help if your internet provider is throttling your internet without your knowledge because you are tricking them by going through a google server. If this doesn't work try the steps below
On Windows 7
Turn off your ps4 and connect it to your computer via an ethernet cable. Make sure your computer is connected to working wifi.
Open control panel > network and internet > network and sharing center > under view your active networks click on your blue highlighted internet type > properties > sharing > make sure the "allow other network users to connect through this computer..." is checked > turn on your ps4 > set up lan internet connection > once it's connected to your computer's wifi internet unplug the ethernet cable from your computer and plug it into the wall > set up new lan connection > log into destiny with lan and enjoy
I live in an apartment with internet managed by Korcett. We don't have a modem in our unit, you just plug everything into ethernet ports in the wall. When I plug my ps4 into the wall I get nat type 2 and good internet speeds. I can talk to my friends and watch Netflix etc but when I try to log into Destiny it doesn't work! I can't even connect to the servers... But when I go onto my wifi with type 3 nat I can connect to the destiny serves but I can't hear/play with some people and I have a laggy connection a lot of the time. This makes ZERO sense.
I tried this with both a Windows and a Mac computer and it did not solve anything