originally posted in:Atonement
Alright guys, ive done some reading on the VoG and here is the down and dirty we can do it once we have at least three 26's with some patience. but this is going to require some organization and some team work allot of team work. possibly down to how you have talented you character. as of now there are two types of players DPS and support. support does things like tries to pull aggro to allow the team to maneuver or helps bolster the team with abilities where as DPS obviously just will focus on blowing stuff up.. So if you guys could respond with your playstyle and how your currently specked out. so we can start to form the two man teams for the raid. also your perfered class to play
I am a level 28 hunter looking for a good raid team to do this with next week
I also think we should try it tomorrow at some point, might as well since the raid will reset Tuesday.
I'm basically completely leveled as sunsinger. Aka support warlock, so ill roll with that. We definitely need 2 hunters, probably both pure DPS. So another Titan that is preferably defense specced and we would be set on support. DPS is easy to come by.
Chibi That's a tank. Support is giving buffs. Look up class Archetypes online
( Raid strategy and structure ) clicks thread expecting to see a guide.... leaves thread feeling slightly more retarded....
Chibi I think you need to edit this post and change pretty much everything lol
Level 25 Hunter Maxed Out my First Class but working on BladeDancer now. Looking to go up to 26 in next couple of days as close to it. Willing to learn and adjust of needs be.
I'm only lvl 21 hunter by leveling fast. I have been focusing bladedancer only since unlocking it.
My main is my hunter/gunslinger, golden gun spec. I do have a 20+ titan and warlock If needed.