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9/18/2014 3:27:03 AM

Strike party matching across all "mission" types?

I first want to start off with saying I really do enjoy the game. It appeals to me in the same way that Diablo as a franchise has survived for almost 20 years. That next piece of gear may be what puts you just over the threshold of completing the objective you couldn't before. The ability to play solo in story or out on patrol is a boon for times you just want to pull up those weapon sites and watch loot pop out of alien heads. The strike missions are a great way of "refreshing" already played content. The added difficulty of the weekly strike and the raid play modes are again that next objective that you just want to get stronger to complete. Always providing a goal in front is the greatest carrot however the stick hitting you from behind is having to find people to play it with. Like many others I do not have countless hours of down time to plan, call around, coordinate, invite random people (that hopefully have a mic to explain what we want to do), to put a party together for these game modes. I also do not have a large stable of friends that play the game on my system of choice to put together a decently regular play team with. Those issues together mean that, for the most part, I and many others will rarely if ever get the chance to enjoy those weekly challenges and the much harder to form 6 person raid modes. My proposed solution as there is no chat and the only lobby system is inside the crucible and normal strike/strike playlist modes is do the same for those modes as well. It does not seem an impossible task to implement and an almost underhanded punishment otherwise of dangling that carrot with no means of taking a bite.

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