originally posted in:Core of Byzantium
If you care to tell a little about yourself (i.e. timezone, what you want to do most in game, etc.), this is the place! rock it!
EDIT: also, if mention if you have a headset!
I'm PST on most after work after 4:30 on tuesdays and thursdays, but will be on on weekends too. love random exploring but this story is pretty sweet. also, any Crucible partners are welcome.
Hello...I have a 28 Warlock and a 24 Titan..I live in Northern California...near Oregon...(State of Jefferson!!!)...I have my own woodworking business and a busy family, I play when I can...I have a mic...I usually play solo...but am realizing I am missing out on a lot of content. Thanks. Lets do this...add me PSN: Six-T-Grit
Hello. My PSN tag is blindshot-06. I have a level 29 Warlock and a level 24 Titan. I really would like to finally do some raids. I have a mic and am ready for action. I try to play as often as possible. I enjoy PVE and PVP
I just got started need a clan so I can have some more people to play with, I have a mic and my Titan is currently lvl 16 but I've been leveling up pretty quickly. My psn is Vick_718.
TheJayMo here. EST represent! Level 28 Titan. I play for fun, usually a few hours on weeknights and weekend mornings. I'm really good at punching things.
Hello all! I am Warlie12. I am on PS3. My main class is Hunter and I am currently level 16. My time zone is GMT -5. I do have a headset, but I don't use it often.
Hi 28 warlock, from montreal, so eastern time zone. Im during the day throughout the week. I have a mic and like to play both pvp and pve. I am however looking to do some raids Psn: jonSMOKESchron
hey 27 titan only able to play in the weekends psn is well salmik171 mic im working on it
Hi. Psn is xendocrashx. I am on PST and I'm on afternoons and nights pretty much daily, also on every other weekend. I have a 27 9/10ths lol hunter main. I'm looking for a clan to run mostly PvE but do enjoy PvP as well. I currently do not have a mic, it broke. But I will be getting a new one. Looking forward to playing with you all.
Edited by kittyashx3: 10/20/2014 4:36:54 AMHi! I'm a level 26 Titan, and I'm looking for people to play with that will help me with weekly strikes, and raids. I'm from Florida so the timezone is Eastern. Also, I don't have a mic. My psn is: kittyashx3, if anyone wants to add me.
Hello! I'm currently a lvl 26 Titan and I'm from Hawaii. I'm usually up for anything, just invite me and drag me into whatever you feel like doing haha. However, if the Destiny servers aren't stable then the crucible is where I'll usually be since I have a better connection there. Also, I have a mic, but there's the chance that I may not hear you. Psn: witwickie
Edited by nosaj1109: 11/22/2014 3:49:43 AMHello I'm a lvl 27 hunter from Iowa. My play time is kinda sporadic but if you see me on im always rdy to help if I can.I do have a Mic but not always able to use it do to others in the house. I mainly stick to PvE unless I have to PvP for an exotic bounty cuz I suck at PvP but always willing to give it a go if needed. PSN id is nosaj1109 feel free to add me
Edited by Gary Giggles: 10/16/2014 3:50:15 AMI'm a level 25 Hunter from Wisconsin. I'm looking mainly for raiding partners, but I also enjoy the other activities Destiny has to offer. Just add me! PSN is FladoodleMeNot
Edited by iko-123: 10/16/2014 1:02:27 PMYo! Live in Australia nsw. Lvl 25 warlock add me psn iko-123. Hope to level up and upgrade my gear by getting more materials. Usually play around 3.30 or 4 after work. Also I have a mic and on ps4 :)
Hey guys, I'm 22, live in Pa, so eastern time. Level 24 warlock, I like to play strikes and crucible. Usually on around 3 pm. Always have headset on. Gamer tag dropdead_slayer.
Edited by recklesz190: 10/20/2014 1:27:45 AMI am a level 25 titan who mostly plays alot after school. I am on the east coast soo yeaaa....I need a few people to play with since its boring to play by myself. Add me i-Delusions-- I also have a headset
I'm 26 and live in Indiana. I usually get on for a couple of hours after work, which is between 5-8p.m. Being married kind of limits my playing times, at times. I run a level 24 Hunter. I like to do strikes and like to do the crucible. Psn is Cinreds_09
I am 36 live in central California. I run a hunter but I am only level 7. I do have a headset when a team uses them. I have no set play times as I am a stay at home dad. I am trying to raise levels and build some at least passable gear.
My PSN is Vagrant-Warrior. I currently game in PS3 and I do mic up. I have a group of guys I game regular with and would like to expand that number. I'm from the Midwest and am a family man. I am also disabled so I spend a good amount of time late night gaming. I am dying to do the Vault of glass, but I'm really looking for people that work together as a cohesive unit in all the games aspects.
Hey guys I'm a Level 25 Hunter, Bladedancer Subclass. Looking to get some people to help me get some ascendant materials and do daily challenges. I'm on at random times, CST. No mic sadly. Add me on PSN: Voodoo_157
Edited by CPTN4NARCHY: 9/24/2014 6:45:26 PMhey guys I'm a level 24 warlock. I just got the game 3 days ago so I'm still working on that. I live in central time zone America but I work 3rd shift. So I'm usually on between 9 and noon on a work day and 3am till noon on an off day. I have a mic and I mainly PvP other learning curve is a bit steep so I'm still getting my bearings. Looking forward to getting to read soon. Add me on PSN my handle is Cptn_Anarchy86
Hi. I am a warlock lvl 27. I live in Wales timezone GMT. I like the strike missions and would love a static for all raids and weekly strikes. Send a message if you interested
I'm PST and I only PvE as well unless I'm "forced' to PvP (exotic bounties). In strikes I'm usually a defender titan but can go striker and I'm leveling a bladedacer hunter. I'm hoping to start doing the daily and weekly heroics regularly with the clan.
EST. I basically only play PvE as the internet where my PS3 is located cant handle crucible all that well. I'm looking for people to help with daily raids and heroic missions. Im usually a Defender Titan during these runs but can switch to striker if we need.
I'm EST. I'm on sporadically after work around 5 and before I go to bed and for several hours on weekends. I have a lot of commitments in my life and honestly don't have time for super-serious grinding. I need some casual players to bump up the wow factor for me in the game, as "silent" Strikes are a little blah. Not great at PvP but I'm willing to work on it. PvE is my bread and butter though. Excuse me if I showboat a bit. Thanks for letting me join and I hope to see ya'll in game soon.