Alright so for those of you who have been experiencing the amazing gameplay brought by Destiny I'm sure that some of you came across members using the D-Pad as a former way to express themselves in funny ways such as dancing, pointing, saluting, and finally just sitting! Though a question immersed suddenly as I was meddling with all these attributes, what if they added a DLC that allows you to obtain more taunts? Rather than just using the default ones that everyone already has I think that this would be a great way to have even more fun in the game with some more wacky body movements! What do you guys think? Should they add a Taunt DLC? If so what would you like to see in them? Tell me down below guys!
If anyone wants to ever hit me up to just play with me, here's where I'm at:
Xbox One - KenyOwns
Youtube - KenyOwns
Kik - KenyOwns
Twitter - KenyOwns
My taunt involves hitting O multiple times on playstation. B on xbox.