Hi. This game is still nearly unplayable for me and, as a quick google search will reveal, countless other players who supported your company with a purchase of a commercial product that entered the market over a week ago.
Every other online game/application works flawlessly for me. Problems are limited specifically to this game.
Correct port forwarding/NAT -- Check.
System cache deleted -- Check.
Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi -- Check.
Reinstalled game data (multiple times) -- Check.
Modem/router/console resets -- Check.
Try again at a later time -- Check.
I will continue to pardon your dust. You guys are adorable.
I've been having connection issues specifically with this game as well, even when trying out all possible fixes, except using Ethernet since I live in an apartment with shared Internet. Internet speed is still going between 20 - 40 mbps with the game running. It's gotten to the point where I even get disconnected from my PS4 group chat because of this game. At this point, there's no chance of me doing a Raid. I can only hope Bungie fixes the errors.
+1 Internet connection is fine with everything else, this game keeps throwing me out, specifically on strikes.