It may just be me, but 8/10 people that I see wearing a PF shirt are either very fat, or unfit. Why is this?
Anyone else notice this? Such a strange phenomenon.
True story. I used to be fat. Like, really fat. I was 23 and weighed closed to 300 pounds. I decided that I didn't want to be a fatass and joined Planet Fitness. First of all, I'm not sure about other PF sites but mine had a Pizza party the first Saturday of the month. A. Pizza. Party. And there was no limit to how much you can have. Me being the fat ass that I was, I ate a slice, jumped on the treadmill for 15 minutes and got another slice. The staff there were rude, the lunk alarm was the most annoying thing in the world, and I hated being there except for the Pizza days. I cancelled my membership, bought a bike and lost 110 pounds biking everywhere in a year and a half. But those shirts were comfy as shit.