Awesome idea! My only addition to this post is regarding changing your race... Thats something I wish we [i]could[/i] do. Hell, I'd even pay for it. The reason is because I picked the "Exo" one thinking that there weren't helmets (don't ask me why) so now whenever I go to tower, I got this ridiculous armored head that comes out of an armored helmet. What? I'm almost 100% sure that I'm the only person who made this mistake, but yeah. Shooting for class changes too! Maybe not between male/female, but yeah. I don't see what the problem would be, seeing as the class has no effect on the game whatsoever(other than aesthetically)
I don't think that would be cool. It would defeat your guardian character and this whole changing your customization idea. Bungie would not allow this idea, but still it is a cool idea
I just got through a similar comment in another thread I started. Please tell me how changing your race and or gender "defeats your guardian" as you put it. Rave and gender are purely aesthetic and do not change gameplay at all as a result. So why do you feel bungie wouldn't or shouldn't allow it? What is the basis for your argument?