Titan is good, nothing quite like FoH when I find 4 or more guys bunched up. Also shoulder charge is sweet once you learn to time it.
I feel like an idiot here, but how the heck do you use the shoulder charge? My melee is always just plain melee. I see other titans lurching super speed at people and wiping them out... I'm like, what the heck? Pretty sure I've tried every button combination on the xbox and the part you unlock it on doesn't seem to be showing it mapped to anything.
Make sure you have the striker subclass selected, not defender. Once youve done that, look at your perks, if memory serves its the second perk down on the far right side, it replaces the armor buff during FoH. Once you have that all set up, in game start sprinting, after a few.seconds youll see a blueish aura in your peripheral vision on screen. This indicates your ready to charge, by pressing right bumper. Youll know youve used it because the attack zooms you out to thurd person view. Hope that helps, see you starside!
Thanks sir! Much appreciated. I think I was getting confused with the "storm fist" ability I had unlocked.
Right, keep in mind storm fist doesn't get replaced by shoulder charge and shoulder charge needs no cool down other then running to pick up speed again.