I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
After careful deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that no class is "weaker" or more "OP" than the other. Why? Because it's all about [i]what your play style is[/i]. In other words, if you aren't doing well with the Titan you either need to, a) change your class to better suit how you play the game, or b) learn how to better play the Titan class. It's that easy.
Titan strikers and hunter blade dancers are the best for pvp.
Sorry but the Titans are the strongest class for PvP. They cant be hurt when they do their super, and its a giant AOE, plus they have more protection.
Nah dude you're just bad.
I just played my first crucible game as a titan defender. I won, brought my team back from a 7000 point blow out. We won by like 600. My k/d was only 1.11, because I killed myself like 3 times by flying off an edge... But other than that, I would say that the titan is a little crucible weak. I had to rely on a good trigger finger and luck to come out of that on top, not my super ability like many others.
Wait until iron banner, I believe titans will reslly shine once our items and bonuses kick in.
If you throw thr bubble down a lot as defender and you have a decent shotty you csn literally hold an objective/map choke point on your own--for some inexplicable reason everyone on this game has an iq of ten and they run into said bubble thinking they have a chance. But yea either up your armor or agility all the way, screw recovery it's not for your class, and try to find an auto with extra stability or thr one that slows down fire rate when zoomed in (my personal choice for titan class).
I would expect the Titans to be the [u]strongest[/u] everywhere.
I'm a Titan and I personally am usually in the top 3 at least. I've had several matches where I finished first as well. It might be the weapons your using or the level you are currently at. Try grinding out in pve and getting better gear/weapons and then return to decimate your enemies! Best of luck
I would say that titans are probably the strongest. They're flying knee/shoulder charge is awesome. They're pulse grenade is powerful as hell and so is the fist of havoc. Maybe tweak you class, up your agility a bit to be able to flee from battles your going to lose or if you turn the corner on multiple people. Aim for the head all the take and strafe
Titans are probably the most unskilled pvpers.
Titans are the best and if any class gets nerfed soon it will be the titan. They are the king of PvE and they own pvp as well.
Titans with a shotgun and that street fighter knee move are beast. Plus fist of havoc seems to be pretty fast and hard to interrupt. Maybe try a different weapon? I have a full auto that sucked pretty bad until it got a better scope and more stability. Now it's a god-killer with headshots.
Im a titan and 9/10 im top in the game :P
or blessing of light to chase them down with that protection and bonus.
It is really about what gun you are using and how accurate you are destiny PVP is about being able to hit someone's head in order to do more damage. I was getting shoot by 2 people as a Titan but since they were aiming at my body and I was hitting there heads I won against both. It's probably cause your used to shoot anywhere it's the same damage like cod but head shots do matter
There is nothing wrong with the Titan class.
Defender class, get armor of light upgrade...wreck face when they run into the bubble. Amass bitches.
It's all skill bud, no class is better than another it's all based upon the person playing, me and my team have been going through characters only doing pvp with no gear whatsoever and have not lost. Got Gear?
Your just bad
Striker for most PvP, defender for pve, tho it can be awesome with a good PvP team. Play slower.
I wreck matches with my Titan. js
they are the weakest.
I use striker class. I always do well in crucible. shoulder charge, shotgun, area of effect for storm fist.
Titan is good, nothing quite like FoH when I find 4 or more guys bunched up. Also shoulder charge is sweet once you learn to time it.
For all the bad rep this game is getting here, I believe the classes are all relatively balanced. Titans have high PvP potential, same as the rest, just requires skill and utilizing your abilities properly.