I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
You haven't learned how to use it yet obviously. Focus your training on toughness and health. Titans are meant to take just a little more firepower than the hunters and warlocks. The vanilla super is a total overkill if you accidentally run into a large group of enemy players, and the defender super can be used to make a nice choke point.
Control+bubble shield+fist of fury=victory
That fist of invincibility isn't bad
No way! In a fist fight I always lose to a Titan, they punch hard. It's all about how you set up your guardian.
I'm a titan and when I actually play competitively in multiplayer I get pretty high on the scoreboards.
Personally I think Warlock is the worst for pvp. The main thing we have to look forward to is Nova Bomb and how often do we get to use that? It's most likely wasted on one enemy anyway. Actually the Warlock is the class I enjoy the least for both PVP and PVE
Nope. In fact I'm seeing a rise in them. Shields, dashing punch, hulk smash. Not at all.
Nah I run Striker in pvp and im pretty decent. The only things that need to be changed are the shoulder charge by extra shield while running so it takes barely more than one shotgun/fusion rifle hit, if anyone has sense they will pull out their shotgun and one shot you mid animation. Defender super also gets dissolved from Nova bomb, it should 100% cancel incoming damage unless your inside said bubble. Concerning the jump, its not all cool like blink true. But catapult is supposed to be fast movement, maybe a slightly faster increase to the movement speed would help. Also since there are a bunch of titans here, does Storm Fist one shot full health ppl in pvp?
i constantly get wrecked by you titans so stop whining
I have a lvl 27 Titan and i love crucible i also have a lvl 15 hunter titans are meant to lay down the hammer i wreck in crucible mainly in rumble(free for all) you just have to find what perks fit you and get in the groove.
don't rely on your super charge. the titan's strength is pure HP. he is a walking tank compared to the other classes. use that to your advantage. also he is the best at area denial and crowd control. he is arguably the best class for Control, and the best class for team support. in PVE, he should be the last one to die from enemies or be able to hold the team up when things get too intense for other classes.
Im a titan and when i do good (most of the time) im top 2 in the match
you are not alone. I get massacred each and every time I play with my Striker. The only thing I am good for is sneaking up to a flag and using FOH but then I quickly get killed. I am pretty useless. I might have to try a different class to focus on PVP with. I am pretty happy with Titan for PVE
Im a striker titan and i tend to come first in every game, just takes practise. Also, this game is really my type of game
Edited by Alak-Hul’s Lie: 9/23/2014 5:49:31 PMTitans are superior to everyone. The only reason you don't see that many titans is due to the bloodline being so rare. So get that fist of havoc charged and lay waste to the inferior classes. Shoulder charge is pretty usefulness too ;).
if you master the defender subclass your god. striker is complete garbage.
Striker class is as flexible as a loaf of bread
I remember a time i was playing control and a defender titan opened up his bubble shield at control point C and he was tea bagging me....so i nova bombed him. He is ash now....
The only thing that is lacking for Titan is their jump
Im a titan and trust me they are NOT the strongest, there supers are weak and have no range , lucky if you get one kill. Not to mention getting killed half way through using if. Hunters can haul ass back and forth and take out the whole team . Bullshit
Edited by Brokenspade: 9/23/2014 12:21:19 AMTurn your look sensitivity up and start using fusion rifles. Your kd will improve. Titan can wreck in PvP if you play smart, especially in control.
Defender makes you a god, and in control it's basically a free point/hold. The striker class though is kinda meh tbh.
The blade dancer super is just overpowered and everyone is a hunter right now. If they were to give it the same limits and weaknesses as golden gun this would not be an issue, but as it is I've pumped 3 close-range shotgun blasts into someone popping this ludicrous super and not put even a DENT in them.
I feel your pain. The problem is the Titans powers work best up close.
Yes, Titans are the worst class. I'm a Titan and 80% of my deaths come from hunter or warlock supers. I currently hold a 2.21 KDR, without supers in the game I'd likely have at least a 5.0 KDR.
You're getting killed by a ton of hunters and warlocks and not titans, because titans are like unicorns in PvP.