I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
i know i just suck at the game so i die more often from warlocks and titans idk why warlocks are the worst to me because Bungie layered on so much bullshit its not even funny
Use the Striker class with lightning grenades. OP as -blam!-.
I play better as a Titan. I play my hunter more often but I like my Titan. Striker with shoulder charge and death from above is a lot of fun
If there are no supers ward of dawn over a capture point then the kills just flow in.
I went flawless as a titan in ToO. So no... Just find a comfortable gun and play style and stick with it. Practice it until you become better. Practice makes perfect.
I have all 3 characters and agree. Titan sucks in comparison to the others. Warlock is ok but if you want to pvp in this game I wouldn't expect bungie to balance it anytime in the next 9 years. Roll a hunter.
I really suck in crucible, however i find my titan the best for it, however i my loadout differs compared to hunter and warlock.. Although i did thorn bounty with my hunter pretty easily (i found it easy and look at my awful k:d)
i destroy with the titan. i only use defender and never bothered to uprgrade striker
Confucius says: Panic super is like headless chicken, fleeing from it's own head.
Try armamentarium which gives you 2 grenades. I find that chest piece to work well for control. Really you gotta find the gun that works for you.
God no. In control every time I see a Titan plop a bubble down on a cap point I literally turn the opposite direction and run. Tried it one time and got killed like 100 times
Pesonally think all 3 are good for crucible I'm pretty sure all my chars are around a 2.0 ratio. But I know a lot of people cant adjust play style as quick as others.
Beats me, apparently I suck because I can't use that class but I dominate withy my hunter and warlock.
I played a game recently where the Titans on the opposing team all used shotguns, ran everywhere, and Shoulder Charged as well. Titans require a bit of thought when using, but then again, what class doesn't?
Fist of havoc is op. Shoulder charge is op. If you get killed mid super it won't eat your energy. You can survive 3 shotguns while doing fist of havoc AFTER they shot you.
I'll go with the latter
Titan was my first and most played class and I do better with my hunter and warlock when I actually try simply Cuz of the range with their supers
Trials served Titans well, using suppression grenades. Try it if you think I'm wrong.
Yes 4me the titan is the best class for pve and the worst for pvp Warlock is good at pvp and pve is easy to use for some reson And the hunter is the best at pvp but you have to know how to use them My *main* is titan btw
Just went unbroken on my 16 Defender Titan. Feels so good. There were parts where I played like a punk, sure. But that was after the reign of terror. And I still got highly aggressive in two heavy vs heavy encounters. 29-0 Strictly common weapons. Scout Sniper Machine Gun I'm proud, and I'm going to brag dammit. Teammates went 8-10 and 2-9 with 6 assists together. I also had 3 assists. So no, Titans are not underpowered.
Play defender with magnetic grenade and armor of light. In control pop the bubble at a zone and use a shottie and meele when they enter the bubble. Keep in mind that the other classes super will take down the bubble.
I main a Titan, I notice a huge difference. The difference, though, is that my Titan seems to be [i]harder[/i] to kill than my warlock or hunter on normal crucible games.
I made my Titan for crucible but never really played crucible with her. That being said it was the first character I went flawless on ToO with.
Titans are severely underpowered in small team games.
I don't think so I main a titan and I do better on my titan than hunter. And my crucible skill , according to destiny tracker I have high skill on my titan
Yea Titans are pretty underpowered compared to the other classes, you just have to out skill them