originally posted in:Destiny 2X
J Azrael X
If ur too lazyyy to accept everyone u also can just accept me and watch my friendlist Iam gonna add everyone who replies here! by the way
[Xbox Smartglass] is the best way to add everyone if ur doing it by ur own ^^
GT Major Wiggin Xbox One
PHANT0MxW0LF I'll be on tomorrow
Edited by eKo SerrnyX: 9/14/2014 8:13:41 PMGT: eKo SerrynX Guardian: Male Exo Titan Striker Playstyle: CQC, Close Quarter Combat. Or fists and a shotgun, usually run point. Timetable: M-F 11am-5pm PDT, weekend unpredictable. PvE: Yes PvP: I suck horribly in competitive multiplayer, but that doesn't mean it's not fun. Strikes, Raids, whatevers: cool high level rewards, let's do it. So yeah, in voice just call me ECHO as thats how it is pronounced. I've been told constantly that my voice is annoying in chat so I try not to use it, but will speak up if it's important. And feel free to add me. I do have a life outside the virtual world which kinda sucks right now, but thats why i appear to be speratic online, including having my titan sit in the tree for hours at a time.
GT: AzureDreamzzz Looking for folks to play with. Online evenings EST and weekends usually.
GT: ThatNekoGuy Hunter-Bladedancer Lvl 20 And I gots a mic
GT; KINGTONREX lvl 24 warlock
GT: chaos2468 level 20 hunter
Hey there! Gamer tag is OLB x Metaloid/Currently level 22 Titan
Edited by Spectral Jester: 9/14/2014 5:08:08 PMGT: Spectral Jester Uk based player Dad so on at weekends and some nights in the week. Really need some peeps on friends list who play Destiny Currently level 25 Titan Looking for people to help with strikes/raids All FR's accepted, have a mic also
xsStealth lvl 20 hunter
GT- LargoJaybo