originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
GT: Kokayne Dawkin Eager to play and chat with other RT and AH fans! It will be a fun time!
Edited by Hazzap08: 9/12/2014 8:45:21 PMGamertag is Hazzap08 , looking for people to play with, prefereably in UK/european time but I'm not opposed to north american teams
Gt is BaKer bruh
GT: "BaconPancakes 1" lvl 22
GT: TheBlindOrphan caleblovesyou, I love you dawg.
GT is FYRASSIC lvl 22 Warlock trying to get to 26 for VoG on Tuesday feel free to add
GT; KungFuMellon lvl 23
Alwyas looking for people to play with soliskarn89 is my gamertag
Just bought it today, and will be playing tonight. Feel free to reach out to me and play. GT CataclysmicDoom
My gamer tag is GUILTYGEAR 0DIN it's a zero in Odin apparently someone else took that name already when I created it. I have a levl 19 warlock and a level 2 titan willing to make a hunter. I don't take multiplayer matches so serious as to get mad at my teammates I play to play and enjoy the game with the few others I play with, whether it's doing bounties, strikes, free roaming, or just helping you do your missions. I just want to play and enjoy the game .... No squeakers please. I have a job and can only play in afternoon central time, usually after 3am weekends always
Gamertag: SonOfHnH Feel free to message me on XBL if you want to play!
Hey looking for a fireteam to do weekly heroic hit me up GT is CloudHelios
Gamertag: Nate Talan I'm on Xbox ONE you guys. Hit me up!
Can we link this to /r/roosterteeth?? gamertag:daltoncst
My GT: TarmakWorm I'll play with anyone just add me and message me. I'm level 24
I get internet for my Xbox on Monday, perfect time for me to move to University with limited internet for now ):
Hey Caleb, just a friendly reminder that these kind of topics would be best in #Destiny and/or #Clans. Folk around here don't like Destiny topics in #Gaming. Keep up the good work.