originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Edited by ZephyrAU: 9/13/2014 12:55:05 AMLooking for some X1 owners to tackle PvE with. Add me: ZephyrAU
Level 22 warlock, I play just about anything in destiny and mainly want the achievements, I'm from Australia, add or message me
Hey, UK based gamer here, name is as above 'Apexgun' add me so we can kill some aliens together.
Hi all, gt. GavioD Up for all aspects of Destiny, playing all classes (UK based). Feel free to add me!
Add me! GT: IrishJunglebear. My first time streaming was with this game and I loved it. Hope to stream again later this week if anyone wants to watch or join my Twitch is Irishgamer94. Super excited to play with other RT fans.
Edited by Mybedissoft: 9/13/2014 12:09:59 AMI've been playing the entire game by myself and it's so lame, so I'm interesting in looking for levels 20+ to play weekly challenges with, mostly trying to get strange coins. But I'm down to do anything. :3 my GT Is Im Koopa Troopa / message or add me if you are interested!
my body is ready.... ShakeAndBake AK Lvl 21 with good skills to pay the bills
GT: ArbiterKingy, live in UK, have an extra player but we need a third person to get the strike and raid achievements. Please leave a time in GMT if you want to help us.
level 21 hunter still trying for the Weekly Strike. Gt PatrioticOdin, Message me or friend me if anyone is down to do it!
Edited by Lucky Number 7: 9/13/2014 12:00:14 AMLevel 25 Titan here with Striker sub class maxed out, Defender sub class about a third of the way through. Can't wait to see what's inside the Vault of Glass! Add me if you wanna raid :) Xbox One by the way!!
Super rare Titan class here lol. I want to get a team together to do the raid on Tuesday! I will be streaming it live! Although I need 3 more levels! Would love to play with anyone just shoot me a message or friend request. I'm also a night owl so I'm playing most of the time between 10pm and 5 am lol... Gamertag Not average Joe
Level 25 Warlock here, based in France. Add me if you want to try that Nightfall strike and soon The Vault of Glass !
My friend and I are just getting to level 20 and would very much appreciate someone to run the strike playlists with. We're seniors in high school (18) and are very friendly, if you're interested send a message or friend request to "DrRileyJones" on Xbox one! :)
GT: Honor008 add me Trying to level up past the lvl 20 and might try to grind to get those strangers coin to get a exotic gear by doing the weekly strike
Hey GT is NinjatoastHD Looking for a fire team to nab the strike and raid achievements with I go by GMT as I live in the UK
My GT is Martin2694 at the moment I am a level 18 Titan
Gamertag is "z Infinity" Level 21 Titan Level 14 Hunter Level 8 Warlock
GT is Mattford213344 Looking forward to some Fireteams in the future :)
looking for people to play Destiny with, any and all forms. Gamertag is SpinSwimScream. I'm in UK but anyone welcome.obviously
GT DR MACDIARMID looking for people to do the raid and strike achievements(and just general PvE or PvP stuff). Either start a group of three/six or if you need one more. preferably from the u.k so it is easier to deal with timezones . PM if you want to start a group.
GT: OctavalHeart Looking for strike buddies!
I'm a level 25 Titan. Willing to help with any strikes or weekly heroics, or general game help. My GT is GigaRazor.
GT: thenerdlord58 I'm up for whatever, but I prefer PvE.
Add me! GT: patron9000. Just send an invite and I'll join!
GamerTag is DrDicStick (only level 5 at the minute but that will soon change)