originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Need a team for the vault all welcome. Ps I'm a level24 hunter
Need level 24s or higher for fault of glass level 26 warlock profile Shadow1403 please form fire team with me
Level 25 Hunter looking for people to help with the weekly heroic strike , GT is DOUG DIMINIE, I'm on most nights so add me up
Gt: poondaddy493
GT: OmniPhillips 24 Titan, Prefer PVE, Need people to do weekly/daily, grind strikes, and bounties. Want to be able to do Vault of glass soon and need a good group of regulars. Please use your mic. Communication is necessary.
Looking for a fireteam/ raid group on every day after 3:30 and every other weekend.
Hey guys, level 15 titan here looking to jokn a fireteam. Can only play friday saturday and sunday. Message me on xbox one. My gamertag is xDmD126x
Edited by NightX SHADOW: 9/16/2014 12:54:12 PMLooking for people to raid with, lvl 26 Titan Defender. GT: NightX SHADOW Don't have a headset though
Lvl21 going to do some strikes gamer tag is. Gooiersquirrel5
Need one more person to help with weekly strike. Too much for only 2. GT:Valkour13
Looking for a raid group gt KARROT K1NG
Level 26 hunter blade dancer, almost 27. Into all PVE and PVP, feel free to add me. Can use mic. If I'm on, I'm probably looking to do something.
Level 23 Hunter looking for people to help out with weekly strike missions or higher leveled stikes. GT: Valkour13
level 25 warlock looking to do raid message UNDEADZOMBIE414
Edited by Irishdogmeows: 9/16/2014 6:40:14 PMLevel 25 hunter almost 26 looking for a fireteam to raid the vault of glass with around 5 pm pacific my gamertag is irishdogmeows
Lvl 15 warlock, casual player 360 or xbox one, looking for ppl to play with. Gamertag: ObsidionXI See you in game!
looking for team for raiding lvl 27 titan msg me any time GT: BootySlapperHD
Level 3 hunter looking for help on how to play the game and fireteam add mui2d3r on xb1
Level 12 hunter! Lookin for people for some co-fireteam! Username is Barbed Ohio. Should be active tonight about 10ish!
26 Looking for weekly heroic strike 28 Weekly nightfall strike Raid If interested, send me a message on here or my gt is also my username
Looking for 1 more for vault at least 24
We are both serious and casual gamers that are looking for like minded mature players to join our wolfpack (beer bellies welcome) If your interested in doing strikes, raids, competitive etc then what are you waiting for! We encourage good banter but no immaturity (squeaky kids get on my tits) And besides, what's Destiny without Pie Beer and Breasts?
Looking for more people to kick some ass with in strikes and raids or whatever else. Just add me on xbox one. GT: raloz44
Looking for a player who can play xbox one on the weekends and mostly only the weekends. Optimally lvl 20 or near.
Edited by Verukien: 9/15/2014 8:46:29 PMCalling all willing and able lads into action! Were two guardians one level 22 hunter and one level 22 titan looking for a third member for our fireteam ((class does not matter)) so we can take down things like the weekly heroic challange and go after the more difficult strikes! also ofcurse wanting said person to stick around for the raids and events but not required If intrested add my gamertag-Verukien- and send me a message on the xbox we would prefer it if the person does have a mic since the two of us do communicate alot ...when playing atleast : p Also looking for a active clan to kick some arse with out there if anyone is looking to take on a pair of extra guns! Ps.Were playing on xbox one