originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
level 23 hunter LFG, as soon as I hit 26 a raid group
Lvl 23 hunter looking for people to do anything add me at Pvt Pop N Fresh
Level 26 warlock here looking for Raid party add me on live !
Level 26 warlock here looking for Raid party add me on live !
Level 26 warlock here looking for Raid party add me on live !
Edited by Redzero192: 9/17/2014 2:51:40 AM
Started a new topic: looking for Raid party member Xbox one(3 Replies))
Looking for ppl to play with
Level 24 titan want some people to grind the weekly heroic strike with and to have fun with. Message me on xbox. GT is BAMA MIK3.
Level 24 Warlock, looking for fun people to play with. Im on Xbox One and and I play every day from noon to midnight. So I can play anytime. The name is HazeyMindSet721
Lvl 25 almost 26 hunter. Add if looking to play whenever EST x ELIte 10
Level 22 Warlock. In the UK and play most evenings and weekends. TheSteelRemains
Looking for some low levels to grind with. I'm a level 14 Warlock from Australia. Xbox One GT DarthHoneyBadge
GT: Portersx2Reaper feel free to add me or message me, should be 26/27 tomorrow
Looking for people to play with in Aus
LF Aussie to do Xyor the Unwed with. Need to be at least 26 light, and have a less then stupidly rambo attitude. (very cheesable fights, but requires a lot of focused fire)
Anyone in Australia, east coast. up to play some destiny? I'll play any type of game mode. Currently lvl 21 Hunter. Hit me up! tyama2 XBL
Anyone for weekly herioc strike add me gt: ATG Cammmm
Add me guys. I'll be on all day tomorrow. I'm a level 23 Hunter. SPAT Absolution
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] How can I have a clantag? under my Name when I play? I can't figure it out?? Help plzzz
Level 27 hunter LF raid group or weekly nightfall strike. Gamertag: Tepaki
Lv.25 Warlock Looking for a fire team for weekly strike :) Add me: DaeWolf
Anyone up for some weekly heroic strike lvl 25 titan send me a invite or a msg gt is TaylorTooSwift
Looking for ppl to do weekly strikes with. Level 24 warlock. GT is colston21
Need 1 more for Raid. Looking for someone level 26 with a mic. Add or message me GT: SCORPIOsniper
Need 2 for Raid on XB one! Lvl 26+ please. Msg me ASAP!
Level 27 Titan looking for raid party gt sgtjon234