originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
I would like to find some players that share the same interest as me. I usually play solo. Crucible I find myself leading the room every time despite win or loss. If there are a few guys out there that would enjoy dominating some crucible with me .. Send me a message/friend request! ALSO- I would like to get a 6 man team working for VOG weekly. A set 2 days that we split it up and do it every week. Basically same as above. Send me a message/friend request. PS. I have fun when I play I'm not some overly nerdy weirdo. I like to laugh my balls off when I cut people down with arc blade in mid air and you'll usually catch me yelling denied, or goaltending cause I think its hilarious. I curse a lot. Not racist though ! hit me up!
Wanting some partners for nightfall. I'm lvl 27 Titan and my GT is DuK3 0f WaR
Looking for a group to do VoG fresh either today or tomorrow, gamer tag is my name.
Looking for five people to do vault of glass I am currently on the last part of the raid where we need to get the two relics message me at caii born and I'll invite have to be lvl 26 or higher
Lfg for 22 weekly
Edited by HCStig: 9/28/2014 6:16:00 PMLooking for a regular group, UK preferred on XBOXONE. Will be looking to do raids, strikes and what ever else we fancy, Currently Hunter 25, but not against building alts where time is available. Message Hardcore Stig
Looking for experienced players to help kill the final boss must know how to use relic and or defend the timegates!! Xbox 1
Got my Exotic weapon bounty and stuck on pretty much the first part, to complete 5 strikes without dieing. Anyone have any tips, like which strike is the easiest?
Need help with raids lvl 28 hunter add me gt: Vetteman4691
Doing daily heroic on lvl 28 on xbox one, anyone want in? If so then mess my GT Hamza95
Edited by iiHD TROLLINGii: 9/29/2014 8:28:08 AMI'm currently on the last part of the nightfall strike need 2 more to fight boss GT: iiHD TROLLINGii
Doing vault of glass right now messge me my gamer tag is my name but with a cap G and S
26 Warlock looking for help with Xyor, the Unwed. Please message me if you'd like to help.
Looking for 3 more for vog message THUGLIFE GRAYZO for invite
looking for VoG raid team must be lvl 26+ GT: Dill Pickle 141
Level 26 weekly strike xboxone Gt: vskorgev
Really looking for people to do the raid. I'm a lvl 28 Titan. P.S link to the method i want to beat VOG in an hour is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXbrOhMUpwg
Lvl 26 hunter looking to do VOG, ill be online in an hr and I've got all day today and usually 7 hers. on tues. /thurs. mornings and random evening hrs. to play. Haven't done it yet and I want to go from start all the way through. Also want to do raids , heroics etc. Message me. I'm still maxing gunslinger, just finished bladedancer last night.
looking fir 4 players to join me and my friend in the VOG right now Im a lvl 27 titan (LittleRatho) He is a lvl 27 hunter
Looking for [b][u]Experienced[/u][/b] players on xb1 to obtain as [i]many[/i] strange coins as possible. Lvl 25 Hunter add me on Xbox One gamer tag: Dachronic024
[quote]looking for a couple high level players between lvls 8-14 on xb1 to boost my second character [warlock] Lvl 2 Warlock add me on Xbox One gamer tag: Dachronic024 [/quote]
Looking for one nightfall
GT: UncleRoofy 26 Titan . Destiny Clan : alien murder machine
Looking for a couple of people to do Queen's Wrath. I have a level 25 Warlock.
Looking for some people for the daily/weeklys as well as hopefully a group for the VoG raid! Gamertag - Birdman1189 Warlock - Level 26 (Main) Hunter - Level 22 (Extra) Primary playing time - Next two days anytime actually (Both off and have no plans), Same goes for next weekend, most days my power hours are between 9pm-3am PT, Working mic as well.