originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Looking for VOG hard oracle checkpoint if someone can give to me! Message me on xb1
Inv to raid lvl 27 Gamertag MidshipFire4147
Lvl 26 warlock Down for whatever Gt: pandaklerik
Anyone looking to do the weekly strike?
Looking for raid players Lvl 28+ GT: same as my name on here
Lv 29 Hunter looking for a group to do VOG Hard
Edited by Clockmann: 10/26/2014 5:23:33 AM
Would like to find some raiders to run with
I'm just looking for some social active people to play with whenever we are on at the same time
Need to do the raid tonight. I'm a level 29 hunter. Hit me up at XIXxR34P3RxXIX
xbox one raid normal, must be lvl 26, gt AribitorD4
Hi folks.. Looking for strike buddys Add me GT SickenerSeven
Hey guys! Just looking for some kick ass active players to play some destiny with! So add me if you think we could get along nicely. Hipster Ant out!
Looking for a raid group for vog, add me @ chupa cabbra
Need 2 people for VOG Atheon checkpoint pm now or message Entity 0f Time
Hunter lvl 28 looking for a team to do nightfall, xbox one.
If anyone wants to try the raid today, or do the weekly challenges hmu, gamer tag is the same as the post.
Level 26 titan full legendary
Lv. 24 warlock looking to do the weekly heroic strike. Gt same as my bungie name
Lvl 28 Titan.
Level 27 warlock looking to do weekly strike for the rest of my strage coins. GT: Tenretni I cant find my headset though :(
Need a 28 or higher right now. On oracle checkpoint on normal. Pm me and I'll add you to the join
Looking for a fireteam to join for weekly strikes and raiding. Usually play around 9PM CST. Add me and hit me up if I'm online. I'm ready for some of that sweet, sweet raid loot.
Level 27 warlock, almost 28 looking to do vault of glass, weekly, and nightfall