originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
LFG Level 26 Warlock wanting to complete some of the weeklies and farm shards. GT Neroxors XBone. I will be on and off all day today.
buscando gente para incursion yo nivel 29 de titan y cazador agregadme como amigo
Edited by NachoZordon: 11/2/2014 6:39:01 PMLevel 25 Warlock. Wanting to find other guardians to just do some strikes with and do some grinding and maybe eventually do VOG. GT:JayBro94
CplGoat271. 27 Titan, looking to raid/do weekly nightfall strike. I've got 2 exotic bounties that need me to do nightfall strikes, so I'm looking to do stuff.
Always looking to do raids weeklies and down for just about anything on the Xbox one. Please add me. GT: PSYCHODFWD
lfg vault of glass
Lvl 21 Warlock looking for people to do raids weekly's daily's . what ever. GT: kingtiger16
Looking To Do Weekly or Nightfall on Hard, or Raid... Hunter 28(Xbox1)
Always open to play during the weekends! Gt is SCORPIA 1000 (level 26 hunter)
Level 27 hunter looking to do weekly and possibly nightfall. GT is above feel free message or invite
Need 27s of higher to join 4 people at 7:15 central time for vault of glass on Normal. At the Templar boss battle checkpoint. 3 of us are experienced. 2 have beaten it. Pm me on xbox live so I have you gamertag and tell me your class and level. Warlocks especially welcome
Looking for Xbox one players for a raid. I am lvl 26 warlock. PM me on xbox or here
Looking to join a VoG raid on normal lvl 25 warlock anyone mind if I could join
If anyone had the checkpoint before the Templar on the vog and will share it plz message me
Need people to do raid on hard mode 29 overs add me name is gamertag
Level 29 bladedancer looking for VOG on X1. I also have a level 27 bladedancer on PS4 (don't ask) to do the same. X1 GT: nurseshark PSN: nurseshark87
Level 26 warlock looking for people to run VOG with. Add me! GT: MikeOfBlades
Lvl 24 Warlock. Up for anything! GT - ChancierBirch7 (Xbox One)
Looking for a Team to do Weekly Heroic on Hard, Hunter 28 Msg me (Xbox1)
Need 4 more for vog on normal gt: stonebone44
Looking for vog raid team lvl 27 hunter gt: stonebone44
Vault of glass hard Xbox one need three players gt : GARRICK BOYZ
Looking for group VOG on hard mode. Lvl 28 hunter with full exotic / legendary armor and full exotic/ legendary weapons.