originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Need 1 person for VOG. Must be in game chat! About to start soon!
VoG on the gate keeper GT AngryFoal709716
Need to complete the level 26 exotic bounty moon strike. Anyone interested? Gamertag: ShadowHand5
Nightfall, raid ... Whatever. Lvl 29
Need someone to help me to do the weekly nightfall. Level 25 warlock. message me if you're willing to run through it with me. GT: oOo Xiaolin oOo
Edited by OVERSEER06: 11/1/2014 12:50:50 AMLooking for two more people to do the last part of the Thorn exotic bounty (Lvl 26 Summoning Pits strike with Epic modifier).
Wanting to do the weekly nightfall. Lvl 27 Titan
Level 28 titan looking to do weekly nightfall
28 titan looking to do heroic weekly or nightfall. Gt: flamebooze
Lvl. 26 warlock looking for a fireteam to do vog For the first time GT: MeetMrOrange
Looking for Fireteam to do VoG. First time ever doing it GT: Humi1iation Thank ya!
Edited by DrCiNeMa: 11/1/2014 6:05:50 PMlooking for two people to do the weekly heroic strike 6 strange coins, a cryptarch engram 6 canguard marks and 250 vanguard rep is what youll get looking for Level 24 and up please help my gt is Dr CiNeMa
Lvl27 and 2 lvl29's looking for three more players to do Vault of glass.
VoG, normal, fresh start, GT Same
Lvl 27 Titan looking to do VoG. Message or Invite WaPPaShiZZle
level 27 hunter looking to do the raid. message/message Mill5er if in need of extra player
Edited by BLUEJAY 890: 11/1/2014 3:22:41 PMRaid on hard anyone? (Atheon part) we need 1 more person. I'm a lvl 29 hunter GT: TMG MAYS
Hey can you add me please. Lvl 29 hunter
I'm a level 26 Hunter, just looking for other guardians to run with. Preferably older guardians (late 20s to mid 30s). Nothing against younger gamers, I just don't want to be that creepy thirty year old guy playing with a bunch of teenagers. My Gamertag is the same as my username here.
Level 28 hunter lfg vog. I can play all day. Send me a message and ill join ya
mmmFriedChick3n VOG easy hard join party
Level 29 warlock LFG VOG on Hard Invite me thanks: Confix Iris
Any VoG Hard fresh runs? Shoot me an inv. Level 30 Hunter Xbox One.
Lvl 26 warlock Down for whatever. Gt: pandaklerik
LFG Level 26 Warlock wanting to complete some of the weeklies and farm shards. GT Neroxors XBone. I will be on and off all day today.