originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Need help on xbox one weekly strike on hard
XB1 29 Hunter with Atheon CP. LF Hard VoG with experienced LVL 29+ group. Gt same as name
Edited by Shoresy: 11/11/2014 11:13:46 PMNeed help at final stage of VOG. Looking to finish tonight around 8:30-9:00 pst. Add & message me if interested
Need 2 people to help me with Nightfall, Im currently at Boss, Msj me for invite (Xbox1)
Trying to assemble a Nightfall strike or normal VOG team for today. Must be 27+ and have a mic.
I am going to be on around 7 pm tonight mst looking for anyone interested in the night fall and daily/weekly goal is to knock all three out in one go
Hey anyone down for lvl 28 weekly? Could use some coin, Blue Sojourner (lvl 28 Titan) shoot me an invite
experienced lvl29 hunter GT Twix360X
We Need 2 more people to complete the final boss battle in the raid on normal. Prefer 28s or higher. Pm me gamertag is same as name. Doing it at 6:30 central time. Xbox one
Need 2 persons to help me with nightfall, im currently at Boss, msj me for invite (Xbox1)
Need a raid group for a fresh run, xb1. Lvl 28 warlock Gt The357Archangel
Need 1 more person for weekly nightfall on hard! Level 27+. Message GT- HOMELES PENGUIN
My team needs 2 more people for VOG normal. Send me a message via Xbox One. Gamertag: ShadowHand5
VOG normal or weekly nightfall anyone? Send message to ShadowHand5 or reply to this comment w/ level if you want to join in.
Hard raid need two people gt GARRICK BOYZ
Raid group. Come join in
Edited by Not Ookie Pookie: 11/9/2014 1:23:10 AMNeed two people to do the weekly/nightfall strike on level 28 with. Reply with level(at least 26), class, and gamer tag
Level 27 Hunter Need to do the Weekly Nightfall and the raid. Reply w/ level, class, and what you want to do.
Starting a new VOG on normal, message Entity 0f Time
Nightfall, raid ... Whatever ... Lvl 29
Gatekeeper checkpoint. One open spot.
VOG normal starting soon. Open spots now, if you're interested.
Level 27 warlock looking for a team for level 28 weekly strike. Invite GamerTag: HOMELES PENGUIN
looking for some help with xyor the unwed on Xbox one! if you wouldn't mind helping send me a message @ greg1125
Normal vault of glass