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9/11/2014 9:06:05 PM

Devils' Lair + Ether Seeds

Yes! I finally found a great method for obtaining glimmer. You'll need Ether Seeds and access to The Devils' Lair strike on Earth. I recommend being well over the level requirement, which is 8 because you can go in there full beat stick mode. On average, it takes about 20 minutes with 1500 to 1600 glimmer per strike. This method will also gain you to a of XP, and give opportunity to increase your weapon skills. Don't have ether sends? No problem. Boot up the Cosmodrome exploration and head to the Rocket Yard. Once there, go directly towards the center firefight, take a slight right and head towards the rear corner. You'll find either a Servitor and Dregs or a pack of four Vandals. The key here is to make the Vandals spawn, so kill the Servitor and Dregs. To make the area spawn, walk away towards the firefight and walk back. When you see the Vandals, kill the Reaver's and they will usually drop House Banners or Ether Seeds. Do this over and over until you feel satisfied with the amount. Of course, all yellow named enemies have the potential to drop such items but the Vandals spawn more frequently, they're easy to get to and they're easy to kill. Now, to implement everything. Ether Seeds last 10 minutes and you will gain glimmer from every single Fallen enemy killed, being that you killed them or your team mate kills them. The trick is to turn it on at the right moment to obtain the most glimmy glam glimmah. I usually turn it on before entering the first kill house aka the part where Ghost has to break through the laser barrier. If you do it fast enough, that single ether seed will carry over to the spider tank mission, with about 2 minutes to spare. After you defeated the tank, activate your second seed. This one seed will last the entire Servitor area. Well, if you've read to this point, thank you for having an attention span larger than a grape fruit. That's all for now, more methods will come later once found. Now go Guardian, get rich and get bitches. -Techy

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