New to online gaming? New to the PS4? New to Destiny? Aren't we all?!
If you need a frand to play with on 9/9 on the PS4, post your PSN here!
[spoiler]So, I'm switching from the 360 to the PS4. Getting that sexy white Destiny PS4. Gonna need some people to play with, if you'd like to link up, just post your PSNID in the comments below and I'll and anyone else who wants to, will add you on 9/9![/spoiler]
I will post all PSN IDs in the OP. Include some info if you'd like, such as, trophies, play style, if you use a mic or not, etc.
Onex-Prodigy (Uses a mic, plays anything, prefers PvE)
Nathan618 (Likes long walks on the beach, and head shots)
Swaggysam24 (Will see you star side, friend)
Tyger131 (Uses a mic and is down for whatever)
Psykoholik (Switched from XB1 to PS4 and loves it!)
dbaguru (The more, the merrier)
sergeantawesome (?)
WakaTaingoFlocka (Has a mic, mostly plays PvP)
Dih1988 (Be his friend, or get sniped...Jk)
Hanxa13 (Has mic, focus on PvE, strikes and especially raids)
Not new to the PlayStation family but I don't have many online friends. PSN ID is goose_7 EST All PS4 owners have mics but don't use them, I use mine. I like collaboration but having fun is the biggest priority. Prefer to play PvP but co-op looks awesome.