What's your opinion? What's not listed on here that's on your (it's not happening but would be cool feature?)
Edit 1) more that couldn't fit in there...
-Split screen
-Player made customizable map
-Private Matches
-Customizable clan emblem
-Helmet toggle on/off
Edit 2)more...
***Swords!? (Confirmed in the game)
-Damage Meters!?
-Tiger Man?!
-Chat system
-Ranking system?
-instakill assassination!?
-swap out dances?!(include moon walk?)
-a forge type system?
Edit 3)and...
-clan tabs (to see members not in your friend list)
-motion capture you movement through the camera and make your own dance...(this is probably not gonna happen...I foresee a future of many dirty dancing guardians.)
Clan tabs. That way everyone who has set your clan as an active clan you will see them online even if you dont have them on your friends list.