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9/6/2014 1:37:13 AM

PS3 with mics... GSoL= click for tag name and meaning ;)

Hello fellow Guardians. I am looking to form a Destiny specific clan on the PS3 filled with mic users. I would like as many mics as possible and your preferred game mode doesn't matter, I'll be playing everything, as most people will be, best loot comes from story mode and who doesnt love some PvP. Now what does GSoL stand for you ask... Well it has lots of meanings and that's how I like it, I would like you to make it yours as that's where the roots of GSoL started. The first name of GSoL was GrandSons of Liberty and nothing says Liberty like making something your own! It later became known as Grand Soldiers of Liberty, Great Seekers of Light, Got'em $h!t outa Luck, Gods SoLdiers, as well as a few other names... Point is, you can have GSoL represent what best represents you, now that this will be a Destiny clan it will now also mean, **[u]Guardians Straight outa Legend[/u]**. So lets start a clan that makes people go, "oh he's a GSoL" "whats that mean?" "Bunch of things, those guys are like legends". [i][b]***So go for it, first add you psn name below, and then add myself and anyone else who has written down their name. LETS GO!***[/b][/i] [u]MY PSN= Ooo_HesGood[/u] :) Lastly with all that said, if you've read this far and you're really interested but don't have a mic. just put your name down and please respectfully mention you dont have a mic for those only interested in friends with mics. [i]Thanks and may your travels be legend![/i]

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