Destiny is almost here! We have been preparing for over a month now and have built an amazing clan! We have nearly 100 members and continue to grow. We are a mature group of dedicated gamers, we understand the importance of communication, team work, coordination and strategy. We strive to be the best, find all the loot and destroy in the crucible, we know how to have fun, but also know when we need to be serious. Where your clanmates will always have your back and you can always find a fire team. We will be one of the top clans in Destiny, don't regret not joining while you still could. Thank you for your support and hope to see you on the clan forums!
Please only 17+, w mic, strong skills, mature and respectful
Hey guys im lookin to join,Im 28 m with a mic,played the beta and loved it,was wondering if you guys needed a website built or anything? and if your going to play advanced warfare when it comes out? get back to me,ill join in the meantime
bumpity bump
KarmaMercure774 From France. Xbox1
I would like to join