Usually play for a bit most nights, so always looking for fun and preferably mature players to team with. PSN: aoiREI
MetrionZinthos 20 hunter.
Add Me PSN Herzog2110 Hunter Lvl 20
Yah, anyone add me. Level__One <--- that has 2 underscores in it. I'm in pacific time :)
yepp, add me (Mrsweetfrog)
d0ct0r_wh0dat here playing outta central timezone don't always have mic on but can if you lemme know
Yup RrobertfortnerR
Edited by ronjon-_-: 9/13/2014 10:59:12 PM
Edited by KoldBurn: 9/16/2014 5:47:09 AMKold-Burn is my id and I'm in pacific time. Waiting for clan approval but will game with anyone who wants to have fun.
Yep yep.. psn name Seriatim_finite.
My PSN tag is Zethwarland Add me :)
Edited by BarbaricHam : 9/6/2014 3:47:47 PMBarbaricHam. What time zone will you all be playing in?
PS4: Add Saxfactor152
Tahlis1. Central Time. I'll be mostly PvE. Will you be using a mic?
Edited by Wikle: 9/6/2014 10:33:38 PMWikle
Ratedarg4pirates PST time add mee
Edited by CleverDingbat: 9/4/2014 4:40:56 PMlCyrusTheViru5l