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Can we get a new member type like how some people are mentors but call them Gaming Border Cops or something . Not moderators but respected community members . If they see #Density posts they can move em back where they belong ?
Anyone else got any other ideas ?
Burn it to the ground
[quote]Anyone else got any other ideas?[/quote]Most of the people who post in the wrong forum aren't trying to be malicious or disruptive, they're often new members who just aren't used to the way this forum is divided up into its respective categories. Especially in the case of #Gaming, it's easy to see how they could make that mistake as the description of the forum reads "Gaming: Make Friends. Play Games", which doesn't quite convey the nuance that #Gaming is for non-Destiny gaming discussion. People merely looking to find friends to play with might not want a Clan, and it's easy to see why they'd gravitate towards #Gaming as a result even though their thread should probably go in #Clans or perhaps #Destiny instead. The problem unfortunately isn't going to go away any time soon, with Destiny coming out we're going to get boat loads of new members who are going to make the exact same mistakes as everyone else. The best thing to do is to politely inform them of their mistake and direct them towards the right place. Hopefully they'll remember it in the future.
It's probably the least broken part of this website.
Simply kill and eat anyone who does anything you don't like. The extreme solution is often the best solution
Tell them-there newcommers where they belong. Do so politely or humorously, unless they begin to cause trouble or refuse. If such happens, flay them like the filthy swine they are, for the glory of #Gaming!
I remember I made a thread like this I didn't call them ''gamer police'' I called them ''Border Patrols to stop dem illegals
We just need better moderation. That's it. Less idiot posters will help too.