We need to prepare ourselves! On 9/9, when all the new Destiny players will be linking up with B.Net, the Flod will be assaulted be a most vicious and vile enemy! N00bs & Desturds.
We'll be [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCi5ujqtai5N4PQBVY3LKpf4G3npBdB3k8uggQrLbMcNDx2gw_Mg][i]flood[/i][/url]ed with them!
What are we going to do!? That's too many new people!!!
We need a [url=http://memecreator.eu/media/created/jyqr67.jpg]strike[/url] plan!
Aright, on the day destiny releases just spam [b]"Go to #Density"[/b] threads.