I preordered from Gamestop, was thinking of getting there about 10:30pm. Where did yall preorder from & what time you going to get in line?
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[quote]We encourage you to come in early to get your transaction finalized. Our stores will start processing Destiny transactions beginning at 6pm local time on Monday, 9/08. You will need to check in at a register first to receive your finalized purchase receipt. Finalizing the transaction is where we take your deposit, partial or full, and create a sale receipt. Getting processed early will guarantee your spot in line and get you the game faster when we start handing the game out at Midnight.[/quote] Thats from the Gamestop site.
I preordered from Gamestop, I'll call and see what time I can get my group # and go there then. I'll go next door to Applebees and have drinks until close to Midnight so I don't have to stand in line so long. I don't care if I'm the last one in my group line.
Around 3-4pm. Depends on when I get my math homework done after college.
At about 2;30 PM. Got school, sooo...
I'll be heading to the store on my xbox one console just after waiting in line at my living room door at 12am. In case you didnt guess, ive already preloaded the game.
I don't need to go to the store it'll be waiting on my desk by the time I get home from school 😏
Wait, you mean you still haven't pitched your tents?
About 3pm on the 9th, after work.
My gamestop is doing tickets, so I will be there at 3. Then go to the bar and have a few drinks till 10:30 -11:00.
In line? Nah mate... But I will go first thing in the morning
I friggin preordered mine through the mail, such an idiot
Same time
My gamestop gives out tickets that put you in groups, so I'll be going when that starts hopefully get in one of the first couple groups and then not be back till 11:45
i'll be leaving about 11:30pm because there's not too many people where live at that pre-orders games or goes to midnight release.
Well I'll be going to the store like this.
That's creepy you want to know where I live and when I go to gamestop??
2pm EB games (GameStop but in Australia)
Does anyone know if Best Buy does the pre-pay system like GameStop does?
Zero, I will have the digital guardian limited edition pre loaded.
Zero, I'll be waiting at my house, eating pizza.
10pm for me. cant wait to get my Ghost Edition:)
My GameStop has a 6pm prepay time to get ticket. But, later they will have a DJ, door prizes, and possibly free pizza. Tempting to go hang out and see what kind of free swag I can get.
Edited by Wit: 9/2/2014 5:24:35 AMPreordered it It's coming to me ;)
As soon as school gets out for my ass I'm driving straight down there!
You should ask them if they prepay the line. At my gamestop (& the several near me) they let everyone in at 9 to prepay/ get ticket and then at 12 everyone just walks in, grabs the game & leaves. Gta v had like 200+ people and it took maybe 15-20 minutes.
Getting my final receipt and coming back at midnight. We get a number when we pick up out receipts so it minimizes the amount of time I have to mingle with everyone standing awkwardly about as that one guy finds it necessary to be "that guy" making an ass of him self. It's quite nice actually