I recently found my old PSP, I remembered the old days with it, recommend me good, ol' PSP games
Edit: I'm thinking on buying a Vita, so yeah.
Ff tactics, tactics ogre, ff7 crisis core, corpse party, lunar silver star story, fire emblem.
SOCOM, Ace Combat X, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare 2, Patapon, Patapon 2, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
Lord of the Rings Tactics
Twisted metal head on, the sims 2, resistance retribution, killzone psp game, need for spped games, monster hunter freedom, thrillvile. Your welcome.
Resistance: Retribution, Metal Slug Anthology, FF VII: Crisis Core. Those were my favs.
Gods Eater: Burst
Coded Arms Dungeon Seige: Throne of Agony
Persona 3 Portable
Any old FF
Final fantasy 7 crisis core