originally posted in:PiratasDaGalaxia
Estou enviando essa mensagem aqui no grupo para todos que tem XONE e vão jogar Destiny, me add pra gnt jogar junto em grupo com fone. Já que as raids precisam de amigos pra serem feitas, é outro motivo pra add (Hardcore Player)
GT: bZ Spectro
Not knowing what language this is, let alone what it says, and using no translator software, I can promise you this guy is looking for a Destiny Group on Xbox One to party up and raid with, as well as PvP on a more competitive level.
To com vc add la a minha gt: piteractor
I still don't understand why non-English speaking people come to a website that is pretty much fully comprised of English speaking people and expect us to understand what they're saying. I mean, come on. At least make some effort and use Google translate if you have to.
......... ..... .. Si?