More information can be found on the link listed above. Basically if you have one of the 11 winning dollars, you can win a $10,000 gift card. They believe that amount will basically pay for all of your Taco bell ever. Sadly, the contest is in the U.S. only. Thoughts?
Yes please. Thank you
Well... Taco Bell is the [b]most[/b] effective weight loss plan, but $10,000 is not enough for such a plan.
Hell no.
Taco bell is "Mexican" food for white pigs. No thanks.
I spend 10k a month on Taco Bell...
It's been my dream to win free diarrhea for life.
Taco Bell is shit.
There isn't a Taco Bell in my town, and it sucks dick.
The Taco Bell near where I live has only one toilet in the men's room, which one would think was a bad move considering... but they really aren't screwing around with the flushing capabilities of their toilets, sounds like a jet engine mixed with Niagara Falls O.O
I wouldn't even feed my dog Taco Bell [spoiler]ok I would if I ever went there[/spoiler]
Am I the only person that doesn't get diarrhea from eating Taco Bell? I mean seriously.
Who likes taco bell?
Free shits 4 life
I rather a lifetime of Subway... or even Jimmy John's,Quiz-nos. I like Sandwiches .-.
Taco bell really isn't as cheap as people make it out to be. If you're ordering the meals its pretty much the same as anywhere else. And most places have a dollar menu nowadays.
Yay! A lifetime supply of painful poops! :3 I kinda feel bad for the winner's toilet.
I just want a grilled stuffed nacho
But they won't give you free underwear. [spoiler]*waves arms in a psychedelic way* [/spoiler]
Ew Taco Bell
Yuz! No more constipation!
i love taco bell
Huh. Never had taco bell before.
I hate taco bell. In fact I just hate Mexican food in general.