It would be awesome for Master Chief to be a possible Raid boss. After going through all the challenges in a Raid, the final boss would be the one and only, Sierra 117 Master Chief. The environment would be on a Halo themed map. Thoughts? Any more suggestions you would like to see in this mysterious playlist?
6 Guardians against one MC? Mmmm... just give us another brute-like boss Besides, I HIGHLY doubt there isn't tributes to Halo somewhere in Destiny. Maybe not a boss, but definitely plausible for an easter egg or two... Besides that, 6 Guardians, summoned after dying to defend humanity while MC is part of "The Darkness" isn't going to exactly fit. He's a fighter for Humanity and nothing would change that. You don't mess around with things like that. It goes against a lot of sci-fi genre ideals to try and manipulate people like that though Bungie... doesn't exactly have a compliance attitude so... I would definitely be on the forums talking about that. I play Halo to enjoy Halo. I'd rather avoid having the central star of that series tarnished in another game. It's actually why I stopped Duke Nukem Forever... that easter egg rubbed me the wrong way.
You do realise it is virtually impossible, By law, to do this don't you? bungie would be sued up the ass if MS found out.
Terrible idea 0/10