It is "childish" of Bungie to do this. They know some of their die hard fans (like myself) will never want to touch a CoD game. I tried Call of Duty Black Ops 2, and the only thing I enjoyed was Zombies. I do not think it is right to only be able to acquire content through buying another developer's game that you would not get otherwise. I do not want to buy the new CoD game, because I do not enjoy playing CoD games. So how does that end for me? I might get it, but I most likely will not. But if I do, I will make sure to destroy it.
[b]Numerous Luke, Then do not order it if you are so bothered by what ACTIVISION did. It was NOT bungie's doing, you are being rather petty & childish with the way you are commenting. [/b]
It's not Bungie dude, obviously Activision.
Maybe CoD will not survive without this...?