How come whenever a new game comes out no one expects split screen! But because bungie made halo all of a sudden destiny must have it or it is worthless without it!
Games these days unless COD and HALO are never expected to have split screen no one ever sees a new bad ass game and thinks "it better have split screen" no one even expects that anymore these days...
I'm not saying I wouldn't want split screen in destiny but I'm simply replying to the all these new "Destiny sucks" threads and they keep bring up split screen... Like if it ever really mattered that much.
One again I wouldn't mind some split screen but shit oh well won't take much away from the game at all since it never even existed in it in the first place!
That's like taking a shit and eating it and then like taking another shit and eating that one you know? It makes no SENSE!
Wrong I believe all games should have split screen not just halo or cod I'm not sure when developers decided to take that out but alot of games would be more fun with split screen (not to mention cheaper because I don't have to buy two consoles and a TV and ect in order to play with people at my house) But that's just my opinion there's no need to go spreading it around.