lmao... this is exactly what I saw in my head the first time I saw the real advertisement. However, the shader it's self does look pretty slick, I'm going to ask the manager at the Redmond game stop if he will slip me a code, I might even give him the 5$.
they can't "slip you a code" it's printed on the precept at time of purchase.
Some codes are in the form of a color printed flyer. Those flyers can be slipped into bundles, or game cases etc. But, if that's the case I'll just "pre-order" and then have them switch my money The Division™ at a later date. I just don't want to have to go BACK to the store to switch it in person as the gamestop I use is a few miles away from me. I live in like the ONLY city on the east side of Seattle that doesn't -blam!-ing have a game stop, so I have to go to another city. bleh #firstworldproblems