there is a box above the text box that is for url's
place given url into box, problem solved
Placed URL into box, Pic won't show up. Do I need to do anything to it or what?
what is the url? paste it so I can see it
[url][/url] That's it, it's an image of a giant spider-ish droid.
Edited by PSCHOMECH: 8/24/2014 6:26:49 AMwhen you look for an image, make sure that you go to google images, and that you click view image or the dimensions "500 x 300" in case you want a higher definition image. also make sure the url is not a website, like wiki or blogspot. is this robots url
Edited by CAD1420Z: 8/24/2014 6:38:12 AMThank you for the edit. I'd have been trying everything before I figured that out.
no problem, here to help