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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
Edited by Gio Luigi64: 6/5/2018 4:48:44 AM

Advertise your Clan here!

You are free to advertise your clan here! Post members and info for the people to see! Make sure to post your requirements and a link! I'll post my description for mine but it's not open to the public We are potatoes and our mission is to kill all the aliens– DAKKOOOOOOOO' Clan Admins: [Scroll Down] Gio Luigi64: Male Human Titan Level 8 158 Defense Primary: Shingen-C [55 Attack] |Auto Rifle| Special: Copperhead Mk. 32 [62 Attack] |Shotgun| Heavy: Sargon-C [55 Attack] |Machine Gun| GsN Fanboy: Male Exo Titan Level 8 157 Defense Primary: Shingen-C [62 Attack] |Auto Rifle| Special: Trajan-C [57 Attack] |Sniper Rifle| Heavy: Sargon-C [55 Attack] |Machine Gun| PastaSauceGirl: Female Human Titan Level 8 138 Defense Primary: Shingen-C [51 Attack] |Auto Rifle| Special: Gozen-C [57 Attack] |Sniper Rifle| Heavy: Sargon-C [51 Attack] |Machine Gun| Edit 6/4/18: woah people are still using this? What? That's wild, I haven't been on my account in 4 years.

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  • Hi trying to form a new clan, Would like people to join,

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  • I am advertising an RP group, not a clan. It is named The Long Journey RP Group. Currently, we are in need of new members. (REMINDER: NOT A DESTINY GROUP. ONLY A FORUM-RP GROUP.) Sorry if you think I took up space here.

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  • Deities of Monkeys is clan made up almost entirely of fathers. We are serious about raiding and getting top end content done, but we have fun while we play. We do pvp, trials, and all the raids, challenges and anything else bungie throws at us. Most of our members have 3 characters at 310 light+ with all the guns you'd expect from HM oryx clearing teams The thing that sets us apart from other high end clans is that, as fathers, we understand when someone needs to leave a raid unexpectedly, or generates too much wife agro, or has a crying baby on their knee so they need to mute their mic. These things happen. Also, as fathers, we understand that your 1-3 hours of raiding time is a precious thing. We'll have some laughs and have fun as we go, but we're here to kill stuff dead, not blast hip-hop over the mic into party chat. If this sounds like you, we have some limited spaces open as I've cleaned house from some of our players who have left for fallout or other games ;) We communicate primarily on our own forums or in groupme (an instant messaging app), although this is optional. For events, we use a private 100 group, the link for which is available on our forums. Finally, most of us are in North America, and a lot of our raids tend to be at 8pm EST or around then. If this sounds like you, and you have a 310+ character(s), we have about 10 spots open in our clan officially. Join our forums and introduce yourself, join our 100 group and get in on the action. Anyone else who would like to join our forums is certainly welcome to hop on in and chat while they level up. Any other questions, post away or message roland19gilead19

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  • Looking for a clan to join? If you are a decent player, are not annoying, and don't have a squeaky voice, please join my clan: Tactical Kill Squad. We do raids mostly and Iron Banner / Trials when its around. We are a small, friendly group. Please message Gen Jack Oneil if you are interested. Thank you and good hunting Guardians!

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  • This is a new Destiny PS4 group for women 35 years old and up. We want to form a group to game together without any pressure or bullying. We know its hard to get 6 people together to raid and hope forming this group will solve that problem. We want to have fun together and help people learn. I hope you will join our group. This is a new group so come and be one of the first to join. We are called Wise Warriors

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  • Are you tired of playing with randoms and never win? Or you're tired of boneheads that can't play the game right? Fret not, join the Crucible World, where a huge community of players can contact each other to join their own Crucible matches, wether it be Trials, Iron Banner or anything else!

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  • Started a new topic: SLyN [XBX360]

  • The GHOST ANGELS! We're a HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE, HARDCORE PS4/XB1 clan where only the BEST reside, including MLG Championship players. You'll find us on Youtube, Twitch, and more! We'll be dominating competitive, setting world records, creating web series, podcasts, and more. If you want to be more than just a face in the crowd, if you want to be known throughout the Bungie community, this is the place to be. Stake your claim within the angelic hierarchy by applying @ [url][/url]! We appreciate talent both on and off of the battlefield (video editing, social media management, graphic/web design, promotion, etc.). If you want to be an angel, but want a more casual experience, you can join our GHOST ANGEL LEGION ^.^ [b]Check us out![/b] [url][/url] Ghost Angel Legion: [url][/url] Twitter: [url][/url] Facebook: [url][/url] Clans of Destiny: [url][/url] Ghost Angels Website: [url][/url] [b]Recruitment Status:[/b] PS4 - CLOSED [b](PM US WITH LINKS THAT PROVE YOUR SKILL IF YOU STILL SEEK CONSIDERATION, OR SIMPLY JOIN THE GHOST ANGEL LEGION)[/b] XB1 - OPEN We encourage HIGHLY SKILLED players to apply for the Ghost Angels, while less skilled players who are seeking to better their skills or just help us out in other ways should join the Ghost Angel Legion.

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    • We are The FallenWOLFFpack and We're looking for any and all experienced players over 20. Our goal is to create a group of players skilled in all aspects of the game to form together and help each other complete tasks maybe you're not to good at or just need a fire team complete, and an environment where we can have fun and not have to worry about saying f**k to a 6 year old. The Taken King is right around the corner and time to accomplish all triumphs is running out. Over the next couple weeks I hope to help personally as many players as I can accomplish this. The FallenWOLFFpack is meant to be somewhere you can get assistance or find those extra players for whatever you feel like completing [b]Raids[/b] [b]Prison of Elders[/b] [b]Daily/Weekly Strikes[/b] [b]Bounties/Story Missions[/b] [b]Crucible[/b] [b]Trials of Osiris[/b] [b]Iron Banner[/b] [u]Requirements[/u] -[b]Must be 20+ Years Old[/b] -At least two characters over Lvl 30 -Minimum grimoire of 2600 -At least 75% of triumphs completed -*PS4 only for now, expanding in future* We are now over 70 strong and growing rapidly!! Join us while you still can We play everyday, Send deadWOLFF_ or JefeOso a direct message through BUNGIE for Clan Invites. [b][u]**INCLUDE ALL REQUIREMENTS IN MESSAGE**[/u][/b]

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    • Lg13 Xbox One clan seeking new guardians now! join us at Legion 13 is a over 21's only clan. Games we support are Titainfall, battlefield 4. And on release Destiny, halo, evolve. Fancy a clan where you will always have people online? Join a party to have no squeaky voices? Have a good laugh but game hard? Come check us out. We have compititions, clan v clan matches, well used forum with lots going on. We're having a clan meet up march next year to put faces to the voices.

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      • [b]The Phantom Troupe PS4[/b] To join our band of thieves you must kill another member and tattoo a spider to your back. We are just a casual clan, we do everything. This clan is named after the anime 'hunter x hunter' however you don't have to be a fan to join, any one is free to join. We use the band app to communicate which makes it so easy to lfg. We're still small atm but we will grow.

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      • Ps4 Clan T R A G I C Gaming must be mature tryouts this Monday not really any requirements friend KiNgDeViN123,Veronica25077 or G-man978

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      • Veteran,mature,private,Ps4 clan recruiting for a limited time only! Join Foxhound-an elite group of veteran Guardians who are friendly and helpful but work hard but play hard! Clan name- Fox Hound Elite Forces Platform: PlayStation 4 only (may expand later) Play everything from Raids to Iron Banner to POE and even helping each other on bounties. *[b]Must be light 33 or greater* *2300 minimum Grimore score required.*[/b] * Must be willing to help other clan members *[b]Must be 18+( no teenagers please, want to make sure we are all at the same maturity level)[/b] ** [b]Must not have an attitude, be cocky, or be mean non-team players, we want friendlymembers who do not judge others please[/b]** * Add or Message NS88 to join *Clan website: Looking for the best clan in the galaxy? Look no further.  FoxHound Elite Forces is an it a veteran clan on PSN with 65 strong active clan members. We take part in activities such as Trials, PoE, PvP, Weekly's, Nightfalls; pretty much everything Furthermore, most of us have beaten everything in the game- all hard raids, poes, and strikes, trials, etc, so we can teach others. We have a heavy arsenal (I alone have 25 365 weapons) and most members and I have recruited and trained 80 guardians for my last clan and I love to help others. Since we have so much experience and have beaten everything for year one, we can show you how as well. Furthermore Corb, our weapons expert and can show you the right rolls and what to keep and what to discard. Jmo,our clan manager is in charge of our personal website and is there if you have any comments or questions. We are an organized clan that takes this very seriously and ask anyone joining to have the same mentality. Our goal is to get the members at that same place. We would like to have members at least be 33 light to join, but exceptions will be made on a person to person basis. Foxhound plans to be around for this ten year endeavour and if you join, we ask for this same long term loyalty and commitment.  We have been private, but would like to add new, friendly, nice, skilled members due to the upcoming release of The Taken King. Friendly being the key word. We can teach you everything, but do not associate with rude or cocky guardians, 3 strikes your out.  We hope that we will able to beat Oryx, by getting all our clan members to 34 and max their weapons at 365 and try to be the first ones to do it! Our philosophy is to make everyone in our clan strong, thus making us as a whole stronger, we are not interested in just ourselves or also making this huge and having too many people to keep track of. We are always willing to help a clan member and if you join you must be too. Furthermore, we are in an alliance with another clan which currently has 101 members. By having an alliance we can add any of their members and video versa. It is great because you have the access to another 100 Guardians (150 total and counting) and always be able to find someone to help! Also, it lets both groups focus on their members separately so that no one is lost in a large number. Alliances are very rare and Fox Hound is set up well. We require a test phase of a week or so or mainly to see if your an a**hole or not) but I have yet to deney anyone on this basis. It is just in place to make sure Foxhound is the clan for you. We look at our selves as personalized brotherhood where you know the guy covering your a**'s name, rather than a ton of strangers in some makeshift clan. Also we believe, by playing with the same players the fireteam is more efficient because they know how the other will react and where they should be in relation to the other members. Please remember, we do this so that we can focus on the members and not be a clan where your just a number and forgotten about and to create a great fun group! In order to combat this problem, Foxhound Elite is split into squads and each Squad has a leader than is apart of Foxhound Administration. No more than 20 per squad, and if you ever have an issue your Squad leader is there for you. NS I oversees all the squads and makes sure everyone has a voice and is a happy Fox! Furthermore, if you join, you must designate us as your official psn clan, we do not allow group only followers. We ask for this only to show loyalty to the clan and respect for your clan mates with the same flag and to be proud of the clan we are in. We have 65 members currently and are looking to add more, so join quick before we reach our cap. Our founding goal Is to create clan will be all 34s and strong enough to beat anything the universe throws at us as a team! If this sounds like a good fit for you, please message or Add NS88 to join up! Happy hunting Guardians! -NS Foxhound Elite President

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      • [PS4] Looking for an active clan is sometimes an uphill struggle. The Exiled Collective is here to make sure you find active, dedicated Destiny players that are happy to help each other out. We are one of the fastest growing clans these past weeks, having started on June 7th! With active swordbearers and relic holders, we each have a useful skill, instrumental in every raid and event. But we don't stop there, we kick ass in crucible! Achieving top table results every game, we are true warriors in PvP. Apart from dismantling players in crucible and frying enemies in PvE, we're a sociable bunch of players, you're almost guaranteed to have a laugh while we're playing, being that Destiny's hilarious (and sometimes annoying) glitches, or our in-house comedians. As long as you're not cringey, unsociable or creepy, you're welcome! Join The Exiled Collective today! (Apologies for the cringey recruitment slogans) Disclaimer: You might laugh so much, you'll end up shitting yourself. New members are required to read this post:

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      • Edited by FourthBorne: 8/12/2015 5:49:05 PM
        Come join us! Anyone is welcome. No real requirements! we are "Vilebloods of Cainhurst" PS4 users

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      • Hi fellow Guardians! Join our clan, the DARK ANGEL ASSASSINS !

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      • Edited by AL_PHA_KiNG: 7/16/2015 3:38:24 AM
        Looking for chill folks to play. Add us! ps4 users

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      • LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS LEVEL 15+ If your level 30+ Then we will do raids PoE, Crota's end and more.

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      • SAN ANTONIO TEXAS! Stop Here! Calling all San Antonio Destiny players! Join the SanAntonioLobos clan. Relaxed play, pickup gaming wanted, all levels, ages and player types. Click Here -> [url=http://]SanAntonioLobos[/url]

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      • [b]Looking for an active high level Crucible and Raid group? Join Chosen Lords (Xbox 360 and One)[/b] Link: •Over 390 members •Friendly environment •We do tons of Crucible •Very active during Iron Banner •Participate in

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      • Started a new topic: Shadownight7

      • Hey, our clan just started we are called the White Wolf Warrior, and I don't want to pressure you about this so if you don't want to join then you don't have to. I am trying to cover for all the systems for destiny since I have some Xbox one members, many Xbox 360 members, and some PS system members. We have no current clan goals at this moment, but our group has certain rules like help other when they are in need, your clan mates are your family, and to have an awesome time in the clan.

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      • Hello and thank you for opening my post! Ever want a group of friends on destiny that you could play anything with? Ever want a flawless Trials of Osiris run? Well The Chosen Elitists are the clan for you. I just created the clan tonight and want to grow a small to medium size clan that are all friends that can team up together. The link to the clan page is If you have any questions or concerns free to add me on Ps4 or private message me on here. Thanks in advance, BetchTetSips

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      • TFC looking for guardians that know their stuff Must keep a 0.7KDR in the crucible Very laid back Come and join!

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      • Started a new topic: Royal Warlords

      • ]I'm a guardian that likes to help the less fortunate people I stream on twitch like link is above if you need help with anything just follow me on there you will get a email when I go live I'm not shy pmsl we have a clan to that also happy to help so if you need ANYTHING just follow there you will be sorted out ps also trying to grow my channel will give some think back in a giveway vetty soon Aslo people on xb1

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