For too long your incompetence and idiocy has allowed trolls and spammers to roam free. I will put an end to this. Your lack of intelligence is astounding, and with my supreme mind I will stop it. Answer for your stupidity; this site demands it. You have let trolls wreak havoc upon us while you do nothing. The stuff that is done now would NEVER have been tolerated a few years ago; and don't spew that "well the CoC changed" bullshit, as the rules sure as hell still prohibit posting homosexual pornography gifs on here; which somebody managed to openly do for more than a week. Your competence, or lack thereof, will end here. What excuses do you have to defend yourself with? Many users have come up with strategies to help and fix the blatantly and obviously broken moderation system, and yet you ignore them and say that everything is fine when it very clearly isn't.
You really think these guys spend every breathing second monitoring content you deem offensive? Haha alright kid, good luck. I know you hope some dev will recognize your genius and swoop you out of the ashes but it's not gonna happen. Just play the game and shut up, maybe even get a real job . That way you don't have as much time to be butt hurt about what some stranger says on the internet.